I once had a bloody nose while walking, I was about a half hour away from home. Since I don't carry tissues, I did what made the most sense and just held my thumb over my nostril. Once I got home I grabbed a tissue and took my thumb away while leaning over the bathroom sink. Nothing came out, but my nose was plugged. I twisted the tissue and inserted it, removing it pulled out a 3 inch long bloodclot cast of the inside of my sinus that fell onto the palm of my weak hand. It was like a slug made of blood. The feeling of it slithering from my face was what I imagine to be the closest approximation of what the loving embrace of a benevolent god feels like while cumming. It was a transcendental natural high that no experience has come close to.
I don't miss them. I had plenty growing up and I am glad that I am healthy enough to not have nosebleeds regularly now. You aren't wrong though, the breathing after pulling out the tissue was refreshing.
I wonder if it has something to do with my parents being heavy smokers as a kid, now I think about it. Nicotine is detectable in mucus, so if you do the kid thing of trying it enough maybe you can end up vaguely addicted?
Used to have a problem where I'd scratch my head and sniff it when stressed which stopped when my parents quit, too, now I think about it....