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Daily Discussion Thread: Mon 10 Jul 2023

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  • How is it 8pm already. Gotta do my everyday to do list then get onto the bigger one. I can do this I can do this...

    • I have decided that tonight I am in fact not going to do anything on the Lists (except feed my friend's cat, get back my laptop cable from her house, drop off these seedlings - eat dinner - and then run the loaded dishwasher). That's it. zzzzz

      • Hey Kitten.

        How is your neck/shoulder feeling today?

        • Hey, it's still not great. The pain seems to have migrated a little further back. I definitely need a day off to just rest and recover, I think my nervous system has been in overdrive.

          • Bugger. Is the tenseness of your muscles moving around?

            You definitely need a day of R&R.

            Could the physio or did they give you certificate for a day off?

    • You can do it. You can do it.

    • I've got no idea how that happened, I swear it was just after 7pm about 5 minutes ago!

    • Crap. It’s past 8 already and all I did was some reading. Ok.

      Time for actually make dinner and get ready for HYBPA tonight.