Nothing yet this weekend, only dissapointing aeropress presses(not too bad just tired of it).
I ordered a Flair pro 2 but it will not be delivered until Monday. Keep reloading the track and trace but still stuck somewhere in a warehouse frustratingly close by...
I just finished an aeropress. It wasn't disappointing, but not the best. It was preground sedamo I received for Christmas. Bummed that it was preground, but I do like sedamo. As for the Flair tracking, I would be doing the exact same thing you're doing with the constant refreshes. I would even be tempted to call the shipping company and ask if them if I can just pick it up at their warehouse. I hope it gets to you soon and that it's more than everything you ever hoped it would be!
I thought about that, but I fear my espresso grinder would get clogged or overly dirty. It's a pain to disassemble and clean. I've been using it for pour over and aeropress, and it's good enough for being free to me.