What does the "Files linked to the current activity" setting mean in the Location tab of Destkop Folder Settings?
I came across this setting, but I'm not sure what it does. What is an activity? What are the files of that activity? I watched this video, so I have an idea of what activities are, but it still doesn't clarify what this setting does.
You know activity? Like you can have different widgets, different wallpapers and different windows open in different activities. Like if you've got two activities, you can think of it as two sides of a coin.
But i can't seem to upload images for some reason so never mind....
Look, when you right click on a directory in dolphin, you'll see the option "link to activity" You can see your activities by pressing "meta + q" and cycle with "meta + tab"
then, when you link the directory through a particular activity, then when you are in that activity, you will see that particular directory on the desktop if you have selected that option "Files linked to current activity"