This was one of my first wildlife photos taken with my Nikon 200-500mm back in 2016.
I'd just left a bird hide and was walking on a boardwalk through the fen.
I heard some cheeping sounds coming from behind me and I turned just in time to see
this bird land in the reeds and call out to its chicks to be quiet.
Instantly, the noise stopped, I took one shot and moved away so it could go to the nest and feed its young.
I later tried to identify the food in its beak.
The white insect is probably a White Plume Moth (Pterophorus pentadactyla) which fits with the location.
The orange insect I never discovered.
Yes, they are tricky, especially once they have chicks to protect. I'm lucky that I live in an area with lots of opportunities to see warblers and other reedbed species which increases the odds. I also admit to being a glutton for punishment in regards to small birds. I spent more than a few hours on my last holiday trying to photograph gold crests lol