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X4 Foundations Rabbithole

What are everyone's favorite mods?

So, what are everyone's favorite mods then, if any?

I'll figure I should start first so I'll list the three that I refuse to play without.

More Ship Rooms -

This is just pure immersion, and it's amazing It gives all capital ships explorable interiors by mapping various in-game interior spaces into your L and XL class vessels. I literally can't play without this. Having a captain's quarters on your Raptor is a total game-changer.

Fire and Smoke -

More immersion. The vanilla explosions are somewhat (massively) lacking, which is strange considering that the previous title (the one we don't talk about), running on the same engine had fantastic explosions... This mod fixes it by (iirc) porting the explosion code from the previous title to the current one, or the code was already there anyway and they just switched it back on, can't remember which. Either way though, I've never noticed any issues with it hitting my CPU/GPU at all and it completely changes the feel of combat in the best way possible. Standing on the bridge of a capital ship and watching fire billowing out of the remains of turrets, smashing the engines of other capital class vessels, and watching them stream fire and smoke out into space... It's amazing and works flawlessly.

Faster Crew Levelling -

Whoever the hell decided to wall off the AI in this game behind the goddamn crew levelling mechanic, whilst also making it basically impossible for the said crew to ever actually level up has a special place in hell imho. This mod fixes it. I looked at a few mods to address this bullshit, but most of them just remove crew levelling by making everyone five-star or whatever. I actually like the mechanic itself, but see no point in it taking 3000+ hours of in-game time to get your first 3-star pilot, because just no. This mod allows you to still have the mechanic in play, so personnel management is still a thing but brings down the training time to far more sane levels so that you actually can grow your workforce's skillset over time. Great mod. Considerably un-fucks a lot of the AI problems too since your entire company isn't filled with unskilled morons at all times.

Anyone else have any favorites that they can't do without?



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