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Someone did this to my RepCom back in the day.

(Republic Commando)


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  • I let a friend borrow my copy of Conker: Live and Reloaded years ago. Somehow, while on his desk, he managed to snap it in half. When I asked for it back he found it underneath something, went "oh shit.. sorry bud" and handed it back. Dude was like 3 times my size and I hate confrontation, so there went that I guess lol. Never compensated me for it or anything. Last time I looked it up it's kinda rare (lol) to find these days.

    • Bro my blood boils when people are so blatantly direspctful to others and their time.

      • I feel that. Really glad that I have more respectful friends these days, at least. I'd trust them with just about anything I own 👍