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What's an underrated classic you feel more people should know about?

Loom may not exactly be obscure by any standard, but I don't see it being mentioned nearly as much as, say, Day of the Tentacle or Monkey Island. But it was a truly revolutionary way of reimagining the adventure game genre, and in a very early age of point-and-click. No inventory, single mouse click interaction, using spells to interact with the environment...

Of course, you'll want to play the original floppy version to get the full story; the CD-ROM version had its dialogue heavily truncated to fit onto the CD.

What's your pick?


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  • I'm going to say Hokus Pokus Pink. It's not the greatest adventure game ever made, and its puzzles are fairly simplistic if I recall, being aimed at a younger audience. But it's got a certain weird charm to it. It's compellingly bizarre!
    The writing is surprisingly good too, and the Pink Panther and his utter cluelessness about what's going on makes for a fun protagonist.