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EU court says public employees may be barred from wearing head scarf EU court says public employees may be barred from wearing head scarf

The top European Union court ruled on Tuesday that public authorities in member states can prohibit employees from wearing signs of religious belief, such as an Islamic head scarf, in the latest decision on an issue that has divided Europe for years.

EU court says public employees may be barred from wearing head scarf

The top European Union court ruled on Tuesday that public authorities in member states can prohibit employees from wearing signs of religious belief, such as an Islamic head scarf, in the latest decision on an issue that has divided Europe for years.

The case came to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) after an employee of the eastern Belgian municipality of Ans was told she could not wear an Islamic head scarf at work.


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  • Exactly as I thought. You don't even understand your own hypocrisy with regards to which mental illness are ok and which aren't. Even when they are pointed out to you directly you refuse to acknowledge them.... Just like a religion. No amount of logic or facts will shake your belief in your ridiculous nonsense because you simply lack the ability to self analyze and react to facts with reason and rationality.

    I'm literally arguing with a religious zealot for all practical purposes, whether you admit it or not. You are the religious person I'm talking about.

    • I would argue that the zealotry is yours. I am not arguing for the removal of whole subsects of people from positions of government as though atheism ( or whatever term you want to use for your complete absence of belief since you refuse to identify as an atheist) is the only approved belief set of the state and that we should be expunging all others.

      I don't see much value in going through an itemized list of mental health issues to see which ones meet your personal approval either. If an illness causes no physical or mental harm to other people then it's not a concern. Criminal behaviour is a category apart and I don't endorse harm done to others intentional or otherwise. Mental illness is not a mandatory prerequisite for people doing terrible things to each other and a lot of people we convict do not actually show signs of a defined mental illness. Indeed there are a lot of mental illnesses make people more likely to be a victim of violent crime rather than particularly predisposed to committing it. A mental illness isn't an excuse for people being an asshole to other people. Having a mental illness is also not a carte blanc invitation for other people to be assholes towards you.

      That I am your archetype for religious zealot I find personally very entertaining given I really don't care on that front. I don't believe there's any justice to be had in an afterlife so making the limited time and place we live kinder is the ethical move. You however seem to have just decided to change your tactics to ad hominem attacks to categorically dismiss me which makes it appear you are operating on a very emotional trigger. Chucking me in a "religion" box is your best attempt to emotionally satisfy your need to not have to deal with anything I say. It's a tantrum reaction. Are you always this sensitive?

      • I would argue that the zealotry is yours. I am not arguing for the removal of whole subsects of people from positions of government as though atheism ( or whatever term you want to use for your complete absence of belief since you refuse to identify as an atheist) is the only approved belief set of the state and that we should be expunging all others.

        This is why you're a zealot. You keep talking about expunging all others, and excluding, and if people don't believe like you do, they are "atheists" or whatever other label you put on them. You don't even see your own biases and religion in your writing and thoughts. YOU are the zealot. I am advocating keeping the governmental functions free from religious influence, nothing more. YOU keep putting words in my mouth. That's what religious zealots do... they twist the facts to fit their preconceived notions of the world and their imaginary friends.

        YOU are advocating for mental illnesses that are "acceptable" to you and those that aren't. I'm saying NO mental illness should be allowed, regardless of the source. The fact that you don't understand this indicates that you have that same mental illness you claim you don't have (mentally ill people don't usually know they are mentally ill, case in point with you) and that you don't want to be "excluded" because you aren't fit to hold the position you covet. You SHOULD be excluded until you seek help and cure your problems.