Today was mostly a recovery day after the insanity that was yesterday.
Yesterday, I did my day job, had a meeting in the afternoon, was accosted by salesguys, and finally watched a presentation on climate change and fake news by one of the most eminent climate scientists in Germany, Mojib Lativ. That was utterly fascinating.
Writer Brain then proceeded to make my life hell with worst-case scenarios about the sales thing, keeping me awake for a large part of the night. I made phone calls this morning and got it sorted.
Tiny bit of editing done for the spicy shifters. I'm still really liking the story, but next is a bed scene, and right now I just can't... Maybe I'll just leave the reminder there for now.
But! I can share the three covers for the Vampire series that I'm currently (not) writing. They are so awesome, they motivate me.
(If you read this on Mastodon, I hope you can click through to Lemmy to see it.)