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AP visual analysis: Rocket from Gaza appeared to go astray, likely caused deadly hospital explosion AP visual analysis: Rocket from Gaza appeared to go astray, likely caused deadly hospital explosion

An Associated Press analysis of more than a dozen videos found that the deadly explosion at a Gaza hospital Tuesday was likely caused by a rocket fired from inside Palestinian territory that veered off course and broke up in the air before crashing back to the ground.

AP visual analysis: Rocket from Gaza appeared to go astray, likely caused deadly hospital explosion

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  • I would like to explain some more context in the comments before people say things like "I'm denying war crimes"

    This was reported a day ago, but open source intelligence had confirmed these reports 8 hours after the attack. All which has been covered in this article, even the Al Jazeera stream that caught the whole thing on camera. (Interestingly, Al Jazeera still reported that it was still caused by Israel I believe based on the same evidence.)

    AP was one of the first to report the Gaza Health Ministry said, with the article titled, "Israel strikes hospital, killing 500." Over the next hours, they edited the article title 3 times, and had to emphasize that it was just a statement by the Gaza Health Ministry.

    By then, it had been reported across the media landscape as an Israeli airstrike. Now, considering the past actions of Israel, like that reporter they shot a year or so ago, it's quite easy to assume that Israel bombed it and tried to cover it up. But, news organizations are not supposed to assume. Instead, we learned that the Gaza Health Ministry, an organization controlled by Hamas, should be taken with a large grain of salt.

    Casualties turn out to be far less than 500, more like 50-100. I am in no way minimizing the loss of life. But from a journalistic standpoint, this is a 90% error, a total disaster in reporting.

    The NYTimes put out this Editorial reflecting on the error of the Gaza Hospital, comparing it to the error in the 2002 Jenin massacre.

    The rush to judgment on Tuesday night will continue to haunt us all.

    I'm inclined to agree, especially upon being banned from worldnews on the instance for "denying war crimes and genocide" by posting this article FROM THE NYTIMES which was reported about a day after the incident.

    I'm not trying to report "Pro-Israel" Propoganda, but this should make everyone take a seat back and be very careful when reading news. This conflict is extremely divisive and it's challenging the status quo in journalism and global politics.

    Additionally, news media can get it wrong, but credibility can be gained just as it can be lost, so they should be given a second chance, especially if they admit it, like the AP or the NYTimes did.