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[MEGATHREAD] All Links for Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure Expansion Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure | Coming August 2023

Take to the skies above Tyria as you fend off incursions from the Mists! A new story explores ancient mysteries, continuing in following content and feature updates.

Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure | Coming August 2023

Expansion site:

Trailer: Click Here

Announce Blog: Click Here

Combat Updates: Click Here

Story, Mastery and more updates: Click Here

ThatShaman Countdown: Click Here

After the Dragon Cycle - Guild Wars 2 News: Click Here

First Contact: The Kryptis and Rift Hunting: Click Here


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  • not sure what i think of the wizards vault so far. Most of the PvE stuff seems to be from the latest addons and it only rewards one gold per day instead of the two gold you got with the old system.

    • @avater @Winged_Hussar I'm bummed there's no more WvW potions anymore. I was doing the easy WvW dailies and saving those up too I got 80 for an easy gift of battle. Guess I'll actually have to play the content now 😁

      • Agreed, no super easy gift of battle progress anymore lol

        • @Winged_Hussar @nullthegrey 2g downgraded to 1g is fine given you're gaining choice in long term rewards and even some gemstore stuff, clovers, whatever.

          Not fond of WvW potions though. I don't care for WvW yet play it a lot just because GoB is the only component requiring PvP in legendaries.

          • @kaz @Winged_Hussar I do not enjoy WvW, never have. Just not my thing. I wish there was another way to get what you need for the legendary crafting. I guess I'll have to be satisfied with open world legendary armor. Which to be fair is a trade I'll make any day.

            • @nullthegrey @Winged_Hussar My only issue with it has been that GoB forces PvE players to mix with PvP players in a game that allows for a lot of PvE exclusive activity. It's seldom a good idea to mix these two archetypes unless the entire game's design was done with this in mind. Your time is also pretty hard capped by time due to reward track progress too, worse so without potions. It probably would be less bad if there was a PvE GoB option.