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Favorite communities?

Is there a way to save communities as favorites so you can access them quickly? I haven’t found a way to do so.


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  • Just go to your subscribe list and click on the star icon to favourite your communities.

    • Maybe that’s my problem: where is my subscription list? I’m missing it somehow.

      • It’s on your home page? Should be at the top left corner, says subscriptions?

        • I go there, and all I see is All, Home, Local, and Groups. I don’t see an actual lists of my subs anywhere.

          • Are you actually subscribed to any communities?

            • Yes, many! I wonder if it’s a bug. I’ll try logging out and back in again.

              Edit: Nope, didn’t work. But I logged into a different account and they show up there… Maybe it’s an issue with my instance?