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Comrades in Japan

So, I'm currently living in Japan and, the place I am is full of either right wing people or "don't care about politics" people. Is there any community in Japan for lefties?

Also, have a nice day comrades. Times are difficult now, so take care of your mental health and keep fighting!

(Photo is from a random japanese house with Communist Party posters)


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  • hey! just to let you know there's a lemmygrad community regarding japan ([email protected]).

    i've thought of reviving it, but the 共産党 nowadays feels like a revisionist party at best, succdem-y party at worst. i still don't understand why they were against the ussr and now against most aes countries (especially the prc), gives me red flags (pun unintended)

    anyway, sorry i don't have an answer to your question; as i've also been searching where japanese commies gather up. but last i heard there was a board in 2ch where japanese lefties (左翼) gathered. maybe you'll find more by searching about the sayoku (左翼).

    you could also try venturing in r/newsokuexp, but it felt more like a left-liberal board to me than socialist/commie. anti-china nonsense makes its way there every now and then.