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A shiny and fluffy European Starling

I know these guys are frowned upon in the US, but they are a pleasant sight here in Germany!

In fact, their numbers in many of their native habitats (for example here in Germany) have actually been declining in the past years, so I am always happy to see some of them running around.

This particular bird was collecting some bugs and insects to feed to the young birds that were nearby. He ruffled his feathers a bit which is when I took this photo — looks so fluffy!


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  • Within the last month or so a load of juvenile Starlings fledged their nests nearby to my house. I have been putting out mealworms for them and also putting out lots of water for them to drink during this warmer than usual summer we are having here in the UK.

    They are a red listed species here so I've been really enjoying helping and watching these lovely birds navigate their first few weeks of life.