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Subs (all genders): Why are you in chastity?

[Update] please note that this community is no longer restricted to Male chastity, and now is open to all. The prior narrow focus on males that was in the sidebar before was an oversight and has been removed.

Every submissive has an unique original story behind their consent, right?

I (and I'm very sure others too) am very interested in how you "discovered" chastity ( I'm sure it wasn't taught as part of sex-ed classes šŸ˜‰), why you want/agreed to be caged, what satisfaction (sexual or otherwise) you are getting, etc....

Please share your origin story, either by replying to this as comment, or starting up your own new thread. Free form, no judgements, just simply sharing.

The image in post is my collection of cages - my first one on the left was acquired a little over two years ago.

I'll be glad to my own story in comments later if you are interested.

I'm thinking a corresponding thread for Tops and Doms/Dommes could work too...


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  • I canā€™t give a definitive start point, but I know that when I was reading Tammadā€™s website in the late 90s, and he was writing about his explorations on the topic it hooked itself into my brain, and it never left after that. It took until the first knock offs of the CB 2000 were out before I bought my first device and then it was the HTv2 that was the first one I wore for a moderately regular time period. Iā€™ve been in my Rigid since Aug ā€˜20, almost continuously.

    What I canā€™t tell you is the question you asked: why? I really donā€™t understand why this has such a grip on my mind, but from the earliest readings I remember on the topic (above) it has just sat with me, and been something I wanted to explore.

    Given that I am poly, and a switchā€¦ This has made the explorations and desires even more confusing. :-) ļæ¼

    • Thanks for coming out of your lurker mode šŸ˜‰. Great response - thank you, especially to the "why" part because I find the many various reasons (even if unexplainable) fascinating. I myself am a very late bloomer to chastity aspect and cages and a recent switch...

      I hope you don't mind my followups: what (or who) makes you remain in chastity? would you consider crossing back to a life uncaged? Do/would you still top even if you are caged?

      • Sorry to then vanish back in to lurking for a couple of months. Iā€™m still wanting to love Lemmy, but things are still slow enough that my typical 95% consumption model of reddit-like sites means I get bored faster, no matter how much more interesting the people are hereā€¦

        I have literally never understood my interest in chastityā€¦ I read about it sometime in the late 90ā€™s, mostly from Tammad, and something clicked. I needed to try it. I needed to be actively denied. Ironically I was still in the height of my slutting around days then. Itā€™s never been a humiliation/degradation thing - nmk - and Iā€™ve yet to be in a real D/s-y relationship where Iā€™m s-ing.

        Thereā€™s mild Ds with my keyholder, but tbh sheā€™s mostly doing it - and doing it well beyond any reasonable expectations! - at my behest. As much as I (sort of) want to believe that sheā€™d reject the request if I said I was done with all of this, I truly doubt weā€™d even explore that CnC road - though Iā€™ve basically okā€™d any given instance of such that she may be interested in and we could talk it out later.

        Itā€™s been about 10 years that I really started getting serious - when I told her what I wanted to - and about 6 since Iā€™ve been basically full-timeā€¦ and I feel like a recent trip where I messed up and left home without a cage for a week(!!) has shown me that Iā€™d prefer not to go back to the old ways. Being locked feels more right. As does the restricted hard-on Iā€™m attempting to get while typing this all up.

        All that said, yes I absolutely still top, though not nearly as much as Iā€™d LIKE TO BE. Iā€™ve yet to find a bottom thatā€™s also in to denial of this sort, sadly, but going after the ā€œYouā€™re done coming when I SAY youā€™re doneā€ is almost as satisfying. Iā€™ve just taken (bio)PiV(or A) off the table as something Iā€™ll do with a partner. Most people have been ok with this. One wasnā€™t, and Iā€™m a bit sad about it, but I survive.

        I might go make this a top-level post someplaceā€¦