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Game System Recommendations

I thought it might be nice to set up a thread in which we can recommend game systems to one another. What do you like? Why? Give us a quick blurb about a game you like and why you think others might like it. Maybe call out if you think it would be good for absolute beginners or folks new to the OSR/NSR. Oh and the genre too. If this gains some steam, I’ll pin it to the sidebar for easy access.


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  • It must be an urban classic by now, but I can't stop marvelling at free league's forbidden lands. The system is dead-simple, yet leaves all the room for nuance and tactics. The fantasy world is classic, but with a surprise twist here. The official campaigns are superb with lots of "aha!" Secrets to discover, while at the same time a low-prep gameplay with just travel (well done hexcrawl) and randomly generated sites is also possible.

    • @theLazyPragmatic @osr I am in love with it. I managed to sell it to some friends that are obsessed with Gloomhaven telling them about the map with stickers, which apparently was a huge selling point for both.

      • There's some resemblance there, that's true :) We played Gloomhaven before Forbidden Lands, too, but all online, so there weren't many stickers involved in the first place. Congratulations on finding a group to play, are you campaigning or just hexcrawling? There's a community for FbL on lemmy, did you know?

        • @theLazyPragmatic we are starting the campaign this summer finally. It's my friends I have been playing with for over 20 years, and recently we decided this year we'll finally get around playing FL, Mothership and possibly Lancer. But then yesterday I got Broken Compass and I might want to push that on top of the list.

          I will definitely join the Lemmy community! Thank you for the link