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Satire Without Purpose Will Wander In Dark Places Satire Without Purpose Will Wander In Dark Places

How Warhammer 40,000 abandoned anti-authoritarianism for comfortable cowardice

How Warhammer 40,000 abandoned anti-authoritarianism for comfortable cowardice


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  • I've enjoyed playing with the assorted WH40K RPGs as much as the next guy. But I can't say that this analysis is wrong.

    • I think often the RPGs can be better at the Satirical angle than the central wargame. Dark Heresy does encourage DMs to explore the themes — although the mechanics are a bit all over the place as far as supporting that goes.

      Necromunda seems to be the one sub-property that actually tries to execute on the satire regularly and with any success, although it's not particularly focused. Don't know why, but I suspect having more Dredd\2000AD in its memetics helps.