Which sites do you blacklist from your internet searches?
I am currently self-hosting a meta search engine instance (searxng), which allows me combine searches from different engines (e.g. Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc), but also to filter out websites that I don't want to show up.
The only website to make my blacklist so far is slant.co (useless SEO-riddled site that always comes up when I search for software comparisons). I also automatically redirect all reddit.com links to old.reddit.com.
I'm looking to expand this list. So, which websites do you blacklist?
Either using software, or just mentally.
Also the Sun, or any other British tabloid. Like fox news in the US, they have no obligation or desire to tell the truth. They make their living off riling up the racist idiots and getting payoffs when they vote for the Tories