Watched my coworker move her cursor to the right edge of her right-hand monitor to get it to over to the left side of her left-hand monitor. When I offered to show her how to adjust her display settings, she said she was used to it and didn't want to change it. I don't think I can walk by her desk while she's working ever again.
Ughh I fucking hate when this happens.
I get that you can't load everything at once, but put some placeholder stuff there so the link I'm about to click doesn't shift halfway down the page a millisecond before I click.
I remember hearing a lot about "responsive design" right around the time it started becoming impossible to click things. Never wanted to learn more about it, but i think that's the culprit.
I loved the internet when all html was made in notepad. It was just so pleasant.
The mobile YouTube apps are the worst for this. Especially because the "back" button is really an "escape" button, so trying to just swipe back to where you were is impossible