I have already swapped like 95% of all of my american applications to European alternstives (all besides YouTube). However, I have a question…: What the heck is happening on Mastodon?
a) there are a few people there (even in comparison to Lemmy it is just microscopic
b) seems like Mastodon has never seen Any moderation: even though I followed politics-related people/organisations, Mastodon was, almost, bombarding me with unmarked and VERY unwanted NSFW content. Why?
So the question is: how to deal with Mastodon? Is it only me? It would be very nice to get back there and make theiving conversations and threads like here on Lemmy.
I've done reddit and Twitter, going for lemmy and bluesky.
Currently working on removing all my META connections so i can nuke that account to, and mastodon and pixelfy will surely follow.
For messaging i'm probably going for signal, being a long time user i'm probably just going to take a stand on whatsapp, if people want to message me, either move to signal or use SMS.
The problem with the messaging apps is adoption as far as i can tell, and it'll be a cold day in hell before you can get someone to change from a free, easy to get option to something paid.
I will look into it though, as i am looking for a substitute on android for the normal SMS/messaging app, maybe threema has the desired functions.
@vesi@Gigameister Definitely a good choice.
LOL, just last week had a message there from someone that while everyone was moving to Signal I was already at the next stage. Well, obviously he and family members also were. I've had Threema for many years already without any contacts.
But, Signal is still my first choice, and actually this is the only US based organisation I very well trust.
Also, if they get some issue in the US, they could very well relocate the foundation and servers.
It is American and a donation based foundation without any commercial interest. It is a meta discussion if they can/should be part of the solution but it just works like the free messenger everyone knows and love.
@Gigameister "and mastodon and pixelfy will surely follow" after exit Meta as you just arrived here simply states that this is not the space you're planning to stay.
Was that not what you wanted to say?
If you plan on Making Mastodon a permanent (everything is relative) place to stay, then welcome!
It feels like you locked in on that sentence and didn't read the thred.
That's the same thing as walking into a conversation and taking it entirely out of context before dropping a nuke on the subject.
I re-read my comment, and considering the whole context, i cannot see how someone would think i was saying i was leaving, particularly with the sentence that comes before.
@Gigameister Well, it started with Mastodon, then you mention to be moving to Lemmy and Bluesky, followed by nuking Meta.
Well, I 'm really sorry if understanding that "followed by" didn't mean that leaving Mastodon was next on the list.
Quite a few have a look around here, and are gone again within a week. Obviously thinking Mastodon isn't good enough as they don't get the instant gratification of engagement. Well, thatyou have to build yourself by finding people you think post interesting >2