Is anyone planning a career change due to trade war
I'm a construction worker/builder between jobs right now, and I haven't felt like I am capable of making any kind of decision what direction to go in life for the past 2 months. I am curios is anyone has thoughts on switching industries/jobs based on the Trump trade war/annexation. My only idea right now is joining the army, or the ildu or something.
I wish I could find something. I'm in IT out in Alberta, and there's only one market; big oil. If I could leave, I would, but my wife is a teacher and that's not a career that migrates easily. I'm no fan of the UCP mismanagement and shutting down any opportunity for diversifying our economy, but we just can't seem to overcome the rural conservative base. It's like being tied to a rock and watching an avalanche coming straight for you.
Oil is some people's identity out here, it's insane. It's like your rich uncle dies and you inherit everything, and your whole life then becomes focused on finding dying uncles
Curious, why doesn't teaching migrate easily? Doesn't every place on earth have children, who are hitting the same development milestones at the same time and need to be taught a similar level of things?
I don't know about Alberta, but in Ontario your pay is directly related to your seniority and that doesn't carry over between provinces. So you would be taking a pay cut if you moved provinces, maybe a big one if you've been at it awhile.