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Chloe And Tommy

"Dad, can I have a girl stay overnight tonight?"

I said abruptly. Not at all as I had planned... Gosh I really messed this one up. My dad looked up at me from his morning paper through his black thick rimmed glasses and said to my surprise,

"Yeah sure Tommy that would be fine."

I couldn't believe it. My heart jumped up into my throat and I almost choked on my cereal I was so happy. I immediately got up from the table and went to text my girlfriend Chloe to tell her all plans were go.

She was going to tell her parents that she was staying at her best friend Kyla's house. I thought Kyla was a complete bitch, but that didn't matter because Chloe was spending the night with me!

I was basically shaking with excitement all day. Chloe and I had been dating for about 3 months and I had yet to tell my dad about her because... Well ever since mom left dad's been kind of out of it. It never seems like he cares one-way or the other. He's about 43. I got my blue eyes and athletic body from him, but I think my straight blonde hair in contrast to his dark brown curly hair reminds him daily that someone else helped make up my genome. And that's not a topic he is very fond of discussing with me.

I was just cleaning up my room getting everything perfect for Chloe to come over when all of the sudden I felt my phone buzz against my thigh. It was a message from Chloe saying her parents went for it and she'd be over at 6 p.m., followed by a selfie. OH MY GOSH SHE IS SO GORGEOUS. She has long wavy blond hair that frames her high cheekbones perfectly. She has "mysterious" green misty eyes, and full pouty lips that look perpetually like she's ready for a kiss.

I texted back, "You look beautiful I can't wait to see you! ;D" And got back to picking up all the clothes on my floor.

She was definitely one of the prettiest girls at my school. Maybe even tied for the most gorgeous with her best friend Kyla. But Chloe wasn't like that bitch Kyla. Kyla was attractive in a slutty way. She always wore really tight clothes to show off her big boobs, and shorts that would show the bottom of her ass. Chloe was gorgeous in an ethereal pure way. She always dressed really classy even though she has an amazing body. It's one of the things I love about her. She doesn't try to impress other guys because she's with me.

After I finished cleaning up my room I looked at the clock. 11:00 a.m. Damn it. Still 7 hours until I would get to see my love. So I went to the living room to see what my dad was up to and maybe tell him my plans for the night.

"Hey dad." I said as I walked up to sit down on the armchair adjacent from the sofa he was laying on while reading some book.

"Hey buddy, what's going on?"

"I just wanted to go over my plans for tonight. I think when my friend gets here we're probably going to watch a movie, after that do you think we could order some pizza, and maybe go for a midnight swim?"

"Yeah. Certainly champ. I just might join yah. I've barely been out to use the pool this summer. And it seems wasteful to pay people to keep it running like I do... Is it wasteful?" My dad said with his signature out-of-it look on his face.

"I don't think so! I've gotten plenty of use out of the pool this summer. It's helped me stay in shape, and my friends love it too!"

"Oh. Good. So you don't mind if I join you?"

"Not at all dad. It'll be good for you to have some other human interaction."

"You think so?" My dad responded almost muttering under his breath, sounding particularly lost.

"Yeah dad... I really really do."


"Finally!" I yelled to myself and ran down the stairs to great my angel! But my dad beat me to it.

"Can I help you?" My dad said seemingly surprised that there was an 18 year old girl at the door.

"Dad!" I said a little too loudly. They both started and looked over at me.

"This is Chloe, the girl I told you about that was spending the night. Remember?"

"Oh yes of course!" Said my dad in a way that in no way indicated that he remembered.

"Hi Mr. Daniels." Said Chloe in the sweetest voice I've ever heard with just a little raspiness in it, so sexy. "It's certainly nice to meet you." She said with a big bright smile.

"It is very nice to meet you too!" Said my dad extending his hand to make her acquaintance.

Now that was a sight. My 6'4" dad in his gym shorts and tee shirt with his hair all in disarray shaking the hand of my 5'2" girlfriend wearing a nice form fitting teal tee with white short-shorts, and knee high socks. It looked like a giant making the acquaintance of a fairy princess.

"Well come in come in!" Said my dad. "I will leave you two to your business. Just come get me when you're ready to swim okay Tommy?"

"Sure dad!"

"It nice to meet you Mr. Daniels!" Chloe said and flashed a winning smile as he walked away.

Chloe and I got comfortable in the living room cuddling on the couch. We watched a movie that she brought over. Some anime, she's secretly a nerd don't tell anyone. And made out a little bit. Kissing her lips was like heaven, but I had yet to get much past that point. Chloe was a classy girl, and we already talked about how she liked to take things slow. We were both virgins and had yet to really talk about giving it up to each other, but tonight looked promising! We were going to be sharing a bed after all.


After the movie ended the pizza man got there and dropped off the pizza my dad ordered for us. We went to the kitchen and opened up the box to dig in.

"Oh no Tommy!" Said Chloe when she saw what was in the box. "Did you forget?"

Oh crap I thought. What did I forget? I felt like I was turning into my dad.

"Kyla and I are trying to be vegetarians! Remember? This pizza looks like everything that could possibly have been killed was put on it at once."

"I'm so sorry babe! I do remember that. I can't believe I forgot."

"What's wrong guys?" My dad said as he strolled into the room.

"I forgot to tell you Chloe is a vegetarian, and you ordered our usual meat lovers pizza."

"Awe man. I'm really sorry to hear that." My dad said looking downtrodden.

"Oh don't worry about it Mr. Daniels!" Chloe said being the gracious angel she is with a smile. "I can just pick the meat off just this time."

"Fantastic! Well then that's problem solved." My dad said looking happier than I've seen him in weeks.

We all sat around the table and Chloe and my dad talked it out. He was a researcher on sabbatical, she wanted to major in biology and then go to med-school, and wanted to one-day backpack across Europe. All the basic stuff.

"I just want to get out there and see the world outside of my comfort zone." Said Chloe.

"I remember that feeling." Said my dad with a nostalgic look on his face.

It was good to have him interact with someone that wasn't me. I'm so happy that Chloe is getting through to him. She's so perfect. After a while I suggested that we all go for a late night swim.

Chloe and I went up to my room to get changed. She went into my bathroom to get ready. I got naked and was about to change into my trunks when I heard a vibration on my bed. It was Chloe's phone with a message from Kyla. I really shouldn't have looked, but I saw my name somewhere in the message. Curiosity overtook me and I looked at the conversation.

Kyla: Whatever bitch. There is no way your boyfriend is hung. That guys a wimp. You should've come out with me tonight. I could've hooked you up with some real dick. ;D

Chloe: He's fine Kyla! I love him and everything we do is awesome. His penis is great so stop bothering me about it.

Kyla: Whatever slut. If his "penis" is so great why don't you take a picture of it and send it to me tonight to prove it.

Chloe: Ew gross! I don't want your eyes all over my man's junk.

Kyla: Ugh... Tommy Daniels does not have a big cock. He hardly has a cock at all. Alex told me that he just barely saw it in the locker room it was so small.

Chloe: Alex makes stuff up all the time. He's still not over me. BUT FINE. If it'll get you to shut up I'll take a picture of it tonight.

Kyla: Not a picture of it. A picture with it. And then I'll stop being mean about your cute little baby dick Tommy.

It was then that I heard the door open behind me I put the phone down quickly and turned around when I suddenly remembered... I never put on my trunks... My girlfriend looked at me with wide eyes and open mouth as she quickly examined my naked body. She yelped, "Sorry!" And then slammed the door. Suddenly a sense of dread came over me, and the room started closing in. My beautiful girlfriend that every guy in the school wants to be with has just come to the realization that her boyfriend has a very very very small 3 inch penis.

I was wading in the pool trying to convince myself that maybe Chloe didn't see anything. Then that thought made me feel much worse.

Chloe was on the diving board about to dive in. She looked so sexy in her black bikini. Against her flawless white skin and light blonde hair her features exploded. Her body looked incredible. Her boobs were a large handful, but not so big that it was overwhelming, but big enough that it made me feel even smaller. I just realized I would never be able to slide my dick between those perfect firm tits like they did in porn because I wasn't big enough.

Then I was jolted from my dread when I heard a splash. Chloe dove in and was swimming over to me as I was trying to put a smile on to make it look like my life wasn't crumbling around me. When her head came up in the water in front of me she looked at me with a smile. Then she frowned a little and asked, "Is everything okay Tommy?"

"Yeah! It's great. I'm having a great time with you and I think my dad likes you a lot and everything is just perfect." I said... Maybe a little too earnestly...


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  • "Well I agree." Said Chloe as she kissed me with those big soft lips. All the sudden we heard the back door open as my dad stepped out with a towel around his waist.

    "Hey guys!" Said my dad. "Chloe I want to show you something! I know you want to go to Europe so I wanted to show you something I got when I was there."

    "Okay Mr. Daniels!" Said Chloe.

    Then all the sudden my dad dropped his towel. And then Chloe dropped her jaw. And there in his full glory was my dad in a very tight speedo, the outline of his cock was perfectly visible, and it was enormous.

    After Chloe stared for what seemed like a while with a dumbstruck look on her face. I was about to tell my dad that maybe his suit was a little inappropriate. When Chloe beat me to breaking the silence.

    "Wow." She said, eyes not leaving my dads cock. "That is so cool Mr. Daniels! Tell me about when you got it!"

    "I thought you might find it interesting." Said my dad as he walked to the side of the pool we were on and sat down on the side of the edge. "I was in Italy with a few college buddies..." And then I stopped listening. My dads massive member was now only a few feet from my girlfriends face, and I kept watching her go from smiling up at my dad and listening to his story, to her eyes slowly drifting down his body to his cock it looked like she'd get lost for a second and start biting her lip then my dad would say something that caught her attention and she would jolt back into reality and listen to him talk about all the beaches he visited. "Oh no..." I thought to myself. The speedo wasn't even fully covering him up. It looked like his massive testicles were desperately trying to escape their prison, and we could plainly see it's powerful veins through the sheer piece of cloth.

    My dad then finished his story and slid off the ledge into the pool. "THANK GOD THAT MONSTER IS AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND'S FACE." I screamed in my head. My dad and Chloe then started to talk about his old swimming competition days. Chloe started saying that she was a pretty strong swimmer too so after a while they playfully decided to have a race to see who the "winner of the night" was. They asked me if I wanted to join, but I said I wasn't up for it. So they got out of the pool and then my dad said, "Okay first one to the shallow end wins." Chloe responded by shouting, "On your mark! Get set! Go!" They both dove in and started swimming. My heart sank as it looked like my father was about to lose his shorts. When they got to the middle of the pool his ass was fully exposed, but he didn't seem to notice.

    "Oh no..." I thought to myself, as the sky seemed to fall on my head.

    My dad pulled ahead easily touched the side of the pool then stood up in the shallow end and turned around to see if he had won. Not aware at all that his cock was now glistening on proud display. I prayed that he would fix it before Chloe got there. As she swam under water she was almost to the side, but she was heading straight for my dad's long watery cock. She had no clue until she started to rise up out of the water. When all of the sudden her eye met the tip of my dads dick and she shouted, "OW! What was that?!" As she rose up out of the water holding a hand over her eye, my dad quickly pulled his speedo up and looked at me apologetically. Where was this guy head?! Well I knew the answer to that question... And now so did Chloe. My dad tried to comfort her,

    "Awe poor thing! I accidentally poked you in the eye when you came up out of the water! Are you okay?"

    "Yeah I think I'll be fine..." Chloe said blinking quickly with her eye a little red. "But that wasn't very fair disabling me like that Mr. Daniels. I challenge you to a rematch next time I come over!

    "Well you're welcome here any time Chloe. You picked a good one Tommy!" Said my dad waving at me. "I think I'm gonna go lay down for the evening. You all swim as long as you want, and let me know if you need anything."

    "Well thank you very much Mr. Daniels." Said Chloe still blinking to regain vision. "It's been a massive pleasure!" She yelled as my dad closed the door behind him.

    Then she swam over to me. "Well he's great," said Chloe looking up at me with her angel eyes.

    "Yeah..." I said, a little more dejectedly than intended.

    "Hey Tommy." She said looking up at me.

    "Yeah?" I said.

    "Are you ready for tonight?" She said with a sexy wink.

    "Oooooooh yes," I responded. As I watched my girlfriend shapely ass rise up out of the pool I thought to myself, maybe this won't be the worst night ever.

    As we were getting dried off my heart was about to beat out of its chest. "This is really happening", I thought to myself. I am the luckiest guy in the world.

    As we stepped into the house we saw that my dad was passed out on the sofa. Still wearing his speedo with his towel under his head.

    "Oh gosh. I better wake him up." I said as I walked over to inform him that he had yet to make it to the bed.

    The suddenly Chloe whisper shouted, "No!" And grabbed my hand to drag me back outside.

    Outside I looked at Chloe as she turned around and said, "What the hell was that about?!"

    "Watch your language Tommy!" She said in an angry tone. She didn't like when I cursed.

    "Okay I'm sorry." I said still bewildered. "Why are we back outside?"

    "Okay..." Said Chloe. "Tommy I'm gonna give it to you straight... Your dad has a huge cock."

    "Soooooooo?..." I said feeling something terrible reach into my soul.

    "Soooooo I sort of need a picture of a big dick to pull this prank on Kyla." She said looking down at her toes.

    "What?... I mean no... I mean my dad? No. Wait! You could just pull a picture off the internet right?" I said my heart feeling like it was going to explode.

    "No I need a picture with the cock. Like I need to be next to it or WITH it or it won't work." I do not like the emphasis she just put on the word "with", I thought to myself. "And I thought you might like this option better than me going and taking a picture with some other guy's penis on my own!" She said with an urgent look on her face.

    "I just. No. This can't happen." I said standing firm.

    "Tommy. It's not going to be a big deal." She said grabbing my hand. "I'm just going to go in there while he's sleeping. Pull down his speedo a little. Pull out his dick, and then you can take a picture of me with it." She explained to me like it was no big deal. "Besides its all for a prank on Kyla! You hate her right?"

    "Chloe I'm just not comfortable with this prank at all I'm sorry." I said.

    "Fine." She said looking down at her feet again. "I'll just call my parents and tell them I'm coming home."

    "WHAT?!" I said louder than intended. "No! Why? You were going to stay here." I said desperately.

    "Yeah, but now I'm not feeling really good about it with you all mad at me." She said in an accusing voice I had never heard her use.

    She lifted her phone to her face dialing her parents when I said...


    Chloe immediately hung up the phone and looked at me like I was Christmas morning.

    "Do you mean it Tommy?!"

    "Yes... We will do your prank. IF you stay the night."

    "Of course I will baby! I love you so much," she said and kissed me on the cheek. "Okay. Here's my phone. I'm gonna put it on camera mode. Let's go!" She said with a giggle.

    She crept into my living room and got down on her hands and knees near the couch. I followed behind closely with her phone in hand.

    As she crept up along side my dad she motioned for me to get ready. As I held up the camera she tested the waters. Tickling my dad above his waistline to see if he would wake up.

    As I started to realize that this was the most humiliating thing I had ever done I saw my girlfriends precious little innocent fingers reach inside my dad's waistband and slowly pull down. As Chloe pulled back on the cloth what was hiding was way bigger than we had expected. It was laying along side his waist spilling over the side of his leg.

    Chloe's face was in complete shock. She just stared at it for 15 second her lips a complete "O" until I tapped her on the shoulder. She came back into reality and tried to reposition herself where her face was right next to the massive piece of meat between my dad's legs.

    When repositioning herself she stumbled a little bit and came within 1 inches of her lips touching it. I guess her breath felt nice because all of the sudden the monster started to arise from its slumber. Chloe tried to stifle a giggle as my dads massive prick grew to be way larger than my little girlfriend's head. When it seemed to be at full mast Chloe motioned for me to take the picture. She leaned in her cheek just about to touch skin, when I took the picture. All the while realizing far too late the mistake that I had made.


    Shocked, Chloe jolted, her head touching my dads erect cock with her cheek, and that was enough to wake him up.

    "Ugh... What in the... CHLOE?! Tommy?!" He said looking back and forth between us. "What is going on here." He said bewildered enough to forget to put his cock away.

    "I uhhhh.." I stammered.

    "I'm really sorry Mr. Daniels!" Shouted Chloe. "But I can explain! You see you have a really big dick, and I need a picture of a big dick so I can pull a prank on my friend!"

    "What?" Said my dad still confused.

    "I need to take a picture with your cock because it's massive so I can pull a prank!" She said exasperated.

    "Chloe I mean... I'm flattered, but this is a little unusual."

    "I know, but it'll be really quick I promise!" Said Chloe with a hopeful look on her face.

    "Well..." My dad said looking at me confused. "I guess if Tommy is okay with it there's no harm in that."

    "Oh thank you Mr. Daniels!" Said Chloe before I could get a word out.

    "What do you want me to do?" My dad questioned looking back and forth from his dick to my girlfriend.