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Horny Furry Chat Awoos the Kinkwolf

Horny Furry Chat Rules Update

Hello! Apologies for wearing my moderator hat, but things have happened that made me feel the need to amend the rules a bit. Starting from now, there is a new rule for Horny Furry Chat:

  • No content that glorifies or normalizes sexual acts with minors or non-furry animals, even in a fictional context. "Non-furry animal" is defined as any animal that that lacks human-like intelligence and thus cannot consent.

Update: While the statement about consent is indeed true, it did not add anything except ambiguity to the rule itself.

Update 2: Just some more clarifications:

  • No content that glorifies or normalizes sexual acts with minors or non-furry animals, even in a fictional context. "Non-furry" animals are those that are visually and behaviourally similar to real life animals and lack human level reasoning.

While I understand an argument could be made that fictional depictions of acts "cannot hurt people", that's a sentiment I'm weary of allowing in a space like this.

I've also tried to word things in a way that does not exclude discussions about ferals, or roleplaying as ferals. However, that's not a group I'm too involved in, so I'd appreciate feedback if I've missed the mark there.

Of course, instance rules supersede rules for this community. If instance rules change or are clarified in a way that makes this rule redundant, I'll just remove it and probably just delete/close this thread.

Anyway, I'd appreciate people's thoughts on the matter; I can always revert or change the rules later. I also locked the community last night before going to bed "just in case", but it is now unlocked again.

Update as well: By the way, it's not my intention to enforce these rules with an iron fist, I'm just trying to figure out a way to keep unsavory comments out whilst still allowing a wide range of conversation topics.


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  • What you’ve written currently seems strongly exclusionary towards CNC (consensual non-consent) if that CNC happens to take the form of someone roleplaying or fantasizing about themselves being an animal to a degree that the non-consent part follows from the sapient notion of consent not really being applicable. It similarly seems like you might have meant to exclude hypno kinks and similar.

    Is a broad exclusion of CNC your intent? If it isn’t, I strongly urge you to clarify, because right now it comes off as stronger and/or hinting at something broader than I think you may have intended.