Can we at least have the subreddit set to read only?
I understand your protest, I understand why it's being done. However, over the past few days there have been several times where I have searched for a very specific warframe related question, only for the answer to be on reddit. The sub being private makes it entirely impossible for the scores of warframe players looking for answers to access the well of knowledge we (warframe redditors) have compiled over the years. So, if the sub (permanently or just for the time being) is not coming back, I ask that the moderators at least make it read only, we need that information as much as we need the wiki.
The mods are workin in some capacity to archive important info. You'll likely just have to wait, or procure your own answers. Shit happpens. You might try posting the query here in the meantime, most people can't wait to try and flex some knowledge.
Or enemy, I installed an extention to redirect me here while the blackout is going on and was really lazy seting it up. I was wildcard matching something like http**, so if a news article had reddit in its slug, I was getting redirected here instead of going through to the article. In hindsight I should have taken the 30s to write a regex pattern so that redirects only happens if I visit reddit.