Bloodhound's Fang: Insane stat scaling, great bleed buildup, great moveset, and top-tier ash of war (I love free aiming the followup in pvp)
Bloody Pike with Braggart's Roar paired with Redmane Greatshield with Barricade Shield: Super fun for coop on promised consort radahn.
Antspur/Frozen Needle paired with Silver Mirror Shield: Swap between weapons to buildup rot and cold, light roll when you don't want to block because these items are almost weightless.
Lordsworn's Longsword with Square Off, using both hands: maybe Square Off is just OP, but it is very fun to use.
Bastard's Stars: Charged R2 winds up the ball-and-chain like a cartoon character winding up a punch. Hits like a truck, especially the Ash of War, and especially against golem-type enemies.