I have ADHD, and take adderall XR for it. However, for the past almost month, I have been without it because my pharmacy has a shortage of it. At first, I didn’t experience immediate problems except for increased appetite and maybe a few other minor issues but for the past week, i have developed anxiety and worry about things more strongly than I typically do. Is this normal? And based on your experience, does adderall “decrease” anxiety?
ADHD is an extremely profitable diagnostic that has the particularity of some unpleasant withdrawal symptoms once patients stop microdosing on extremely expensive formulations of meth.
ADHD is overdiagnosed the same way Oxy was overprescribed. The incentives are there to have entire generations depend on highly physically addictive substances that will guarantee a consistent stream of income. ADHD is a real disease, a significant portion of people diagnosed with it, don't have it. That is ALSO happening in the US but it's prevalent in western pedopsychiatry.