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New SA5 Excerpt!!!!!!

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it's a Jasnah/Wit segment


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  • This makes me happy. I really didn't like Jasnah x Wit. I'm glad I was picking up the right signals.

    I'm also glad that Todium did actually pull one over on Wit. That makes me 100% certain that the Odium setup through the beginning of the series was to show us just how scary Taravangian will be as Odium

    • I didn't hate the relationship, I found it interesting and it was kinda neat seeing it from Jasnah's side and her reasonings and such. I'm sad for her that it's not going to work out, but like... it was never going to work out. Hoid has too much going on to settle down in a realistic way with another person.

      And yeah the memory confirmation was great. Hoid being terrified is GREAT tension in the scene and for the book.