I've been looking for a replacement for my old S10e that's starting to slow down and is way out of date, its still on Android 12 and the last security update was over a year ago. And this seems like a good candidate for a replacement, though I will be sad to let my headphone jack go. I guess it was inevitable that I would have to switch to usb-c earphones.
@VivianRixia@GreenEngineering3475 Just install a custom ROM, it's not difficult once you figure out the process. My advice would be trying to use Lineage os or Evolution X which are great Roms especially the Ev X. This way you won't have to stop taking advantage of your input jack
Unfortunately my Galaxy S10e is the US snapdragon version which has no way to unlock the bootloader, otherwise, I would have absolutely been on a custom ROM by now.
@VivianRixia ohhh I see, well that sucks 😔, most of the S10s are powered by the exynos. If my memory's not deceiving me Snapdragon-powered s10s were built for the US market only