Hey everyone, this is the second nightly release for Thunder 0.6.0! This release contains a lot of fixes to the theming changes introduced in the first nightly build, as well as other fixes and add...
Edit: Hey everyone, v0.6.0-3 was released to resolve an issue with Thunder hanging at the splash screen when updating to v0.6.0-2. If you are encountering any additional issues, please open up a new issue on GitHub!
The full changelog for v0.6.0-2 is listed below.
Hey everyone, this is the second nightly release for Thunder 0.6.0! This release contains a lot of fixes to the theming changes introduced in the first nightly build, as well as other fixes and additions. A huge thanks to micahmo for finding and resolving these issues! If you notice any additional issues with regards to theming, please open up a new GitHub issue.
Be fully prepared to know that these pre-release versions may contain major bugs which could cause Thunder to crash or behave unexpectedly.
Some notable changes to test out:
The Account page has been re-written to use the same foundational logic as the feed-related pages. This should result in overall improved performance, automatic hiding of user header bar, the ability to sort your posts/comments, and more!
New settings have been added including pure black mode toggle on system theme, automatic expansion of taglines, and ability to choose video player preferences.
A lot of fixes to theming, and other various issues with regards to feed loading.
The full list of changes since v0.6.0-1 are mentioned below. As always, if there are any bugs or issues, please submit a new GitHub issue.
Updated account page to use underlying feed-related logic by hjiangsu
Added URL on condensed post view by hjiangsu
Added option to toggle pure black mode when using system theme by hjiangsu
Added setting to automatically expand taglines by hjiangsu
Added ability to select video player viewing preferences by ggichure
Added highlight on last tapped post in feed by micahmo
Improved image dimension fetching from API on supported instances by hjiangsu
Improved dark theme surface colour blending by hjiangsu
Improved feed fetching logic by micahmo
Do not re-load inbox when already selected by micahmo
Fixed incorrectly triggered end of feed when too many filters are applied by hjiangsu
Fixed background colour by micahmo
Fixed create post snackbar error message by hjiangsu
Thanks for mentioning the issue - I just released v0.6.0-3 which should hopefully resolve the issues with Thunder hanging at the splash screen. Please let me know if this resolves the issue!