Buy a gun, join a lefty militia, train up, then protest with your guns in large groups. If that method can convince Republicans to vote in favor of gun control to stop black people from having agency, it can work with anything you want to be changed as well.
People always respond to threats of violence, with fear or with retaliation.
If you raise any force of violence enough then government will come down on you regardless of who you are from Waco to MOVE. A government just has a monopoly on violence and the US has the monopoly of violence in the world
I'm not saying give up but the idea of the armed overthrow is not the best idea. Especially at this stage in the issue
I think hundreds of thousands or even millions of citizens engaging in armed protest would be impossible to address the way the Koresh or Ruby Ridge scenarios were handled.
Their response would need to be smart and nuanced and would need to address core issues to really make it stop.