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Potentially silly question, but are different arms of Marxism relevant to different global situations?

Is this a misguided idea? That different ideologies, such as 'vanilla' Marxist-Leninism are more applicable to more industrialized countries, or perhaps countries closer to the imperial core, while ideologies such as MLM are more applicable to the most imperialized, agragrian/feudal countries of the world?


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  • You're completely correct but, I think, looking at the situation the wrong way.

    The entire point of the Marxist Dialectic is the ideology evolving to match its material conditions. There is no such thing as "Vanilla" Marxism or Marxism-Leninism, because Marxism includes Dialectic evolution. Maoism is Marxism. Trotskyism is Marxism. Marxism-Leninism is Marxism. Socialism with Chinese Characteristics is Marxism.

    This is why you should be suspicious of anyone who identifies with a sub-tendency, especial "Hoxhaists".

    • That makes a lot of sense to me. I think my question is really coming from the modern day divide between MLs and MLMs. I'm still trying to understand what differentiates Marxism Leninism applied to its material conditions, versus a new stage of development in ML theory.