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What's the easiest way to update bios on my Ubuntu laptop without a USB?

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As a lifelong Windows user I've just for the first time switched to Ubuntu and I'm learning how to navigate the system but I haven't found an easy way to update my Carbon's X1 Gen 6 BIOS from its hard disk and would appreciate any advice.

I'd be also happy to hear what I should do as a newcomer to Ubuntu to make my experience with it better and have an easier time overall.


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  • @SurpriZe If you're using Ubuntu 24.04, you may have a Firmware Updater app preinstalled. Try launching that and see if it can pull the firmware update from LVFS.

    Failing that, I think the only safe way is to do the update from Windows. I generally recommend using Hiren's Boot CD PE for that sort of thing.