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it's just ONE A' THOSE DAYS


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  • Dude, thank you!

    I finished a job today and been feeling a bit down. I used to be a metal head in 2000s, kinda still am but grown up now.

    As soon as I saw this meme I put it on, and then have listened to all their best songs in last 20 mins. My mood is completely uplifted, I don’t think anyone cannot mosh / headbang to “take a look around”.

    There’s something about the lyrics from nu metal era that just speaks to how you’re feeling. It’s not been replicated since then for me.

    • U try dubstep? The feeling and energy gets close.

      • Was in my early 20s when that hit the scene, used to love it. Might give it a re-listen to over the weekend but I’m sick that la roux mix that’s been overplayed for a decade.