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Tyson Foods Just Quietly Launched Its First Plant-Based Nuggets Tyson Foods Just Quietly Launched Its First Plant-Based Nuggets

Amid struggling meat sales, Tyson Foods appears to be focusing its attention on plant-based protein.

Note: "While the US meat giant has launched plant-based meat items in the past, these have always been through its Raised & Rooted brand." This is the first plant-based nuggets they'll be launching with their own name and branding.

How do you all feel about this? On the one hand, I'm always happy to see new/more vegan items pop up. But I just can't see myself buying from Tyson foods, especially when there are other alternatives from better companies.


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  • It's plant based capitalism.

    Tyson hopes to undercut the vegan market that already exists by making sure that money goes to them and not to vegan companies. That money will be and has been used to continue their core business of hurting animals. It's portfolio diversification with the end goal of killing smaller companies and achieving monopoly in their sector. They don't care about animals, they care about profits.

    Tyson as a company also lobbies for ag-gag laws that aim to turn vegan activists into criminals and felons and keep the world from seeing what they (Tyson) do to animals and the environment. When you buy from them, they take that money and use it to fund anti-vegan and anti-environment legislation (not to mention anti-welfare legislation for their victims)

    • I doubt anyone's under the impression that Tyson is doing this for anything other than greed/capitalism. But I'll be curious to see how well (or not well) this new product does. I can't imagine that most vegans will want to buy this; is the casual/plant based/curious market large enough for the product to do "well"?

      • I'm not curious. Tyson can fuck all the way off. pbc isn't going to change any carnists minds. they're pandering and making money, nobody will become vegan from eating Tyson products