God it's so transparent. I'm a software engineer, and I have first hand built software that has made my business teams and execs wealthy. I have sat there and watched them buy new audis and new houses while I'm told "sorry we can't afford a raise this year". And I know I do better than most being in software, but man do they want to keep us arguing about that while they go and buy everything while we squabble.
So I figured I'm also going to do the bare minimum. Good thing my managers aren't actually competent in IT so I can set my own deadlines (with a big juicy margin for doing fuck all and getting money for it)
I worked for a small company that saw growth year after year. We'd have a staff Christmas party towards the end of the year where the boss would thank us for our work and give everyone a bonus of $500. One year the boss was super excited to tell us that we helped build up his company to the point that he would now be opening a new location. He told us this new location was a large investment for him to open and so he would not be giving us a bonus that year and there also would be wage freeze. Thanks for the hard work! Merry Christmas! He sold the company the next year for a few million and retired at 50. I quit after that.