This is General major Freuding in the official Bundeswehr channel. This guy is a machine, it's really interesting listening to his analyses. One of the top comments says something like "Kremlin is watching this rn to understand what the fuck is going on in Kursk"
Nah, it's the official Bundeswehr channel, like OP said. It's the replacement Germans that are very sorry about that whole thing. Or at least very much supposed to be.
This wasn't a bait-and-switch joke, haha, I just thought I should link the video we're all talking about. TBH it won't play for me, though.
The Bundeswehr is the modern German army, and is not supposed to have Nazis in it. Unfortunately it does sometimes, and that's caused some scandals when it has been revealed. On the whole modern Germans are (rightfully) sorry about the whole Nazi period.