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Pallbearer - Foundations of Burden [Trad]


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  • Not trying to gatekeep and I'm far from an expert in metal sub-sub-genres, but isn't Pallbearer usually considered "funeral doom?"

    In my experience, trad doom usually has cheesier, more operatic vocals and isn't quite as slow, but I'd welcome an education as I haven't delved into Pallbearer or funeral doom beyond Sorrow and Extinction (which I did enjoy).

    • Funeral doom is a very very slow offshoot of death/doom, death/doom mixed with drone. Starting with bands like Thergothon, Skepticism, and Funeral, with modern bands like Bell Witch and Un carrying the torch.

      Traditional doom is a call back to the roots of doom, think Black Sabbath/Pentagram/Saint Vitus. Typified by bands like Reverend Bizarre, some consider it a more "pure" form of doom because it generally seeks to remove influences that came into doom after those original bands. This is where I would class this era of Pallbearer.

      While Trad can get cheesy, like Lamp of Thoth, I think you are more closely describing what is known as Epic Doom Metal. Pioneered by bands like Candlemass, and taking its name from their album Epicus Doomicus Metallicus. Operatic vocals and a lot less slow.

      I only find this useful to help find more music similar to what I like. For instance, if you asked me to show you more funeral doom I wouldn't show you anything like Pallbearer, so this is where I think the real value of sub genres is.

      • I only find this useful to help find more music similar to what I like. For instance, if you asked me to show you more funeral doom I wouldn't show you anything like Pallbearer, so this is where I think the real value of sub genres is.

        Well said. This is absolutely true and I hadn't really realized why I was having so much trouble finding Trad that I liked, since on one of my first research dives, someone classified Candlemass as "Trad."

        I'm a relative newcomer to doom despite being a fan of heavier music for decades since I first encountered metal via metalcore and thrash, so I appreciate the clarification.

        I typically like the heavier/slower bands, but haven't really gotten into drone much. I've heard good things about Bellwitch, so I might have to spend some time with them next.

        Where would you classify Conan? They seem a little droney, but definitely not what I would instinctively call "funeral" or "drone"