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  • This came up a few months ago, and I wasted most of a day figuring it out. Here's a compilation of what I said at the time:

    The Borg's main advantage is its ability to counter energy weapons. They do this with the Adaptive Shield Matrix:

    All phasers are generated on a particular subspace phase compression pulse frequency, whilst torpedo warheads all possess their own shielding which also possesses its own subspace phase compression pulse frequency. Adaptive Shielding works by remodulating the shields to the identical subspace compression pulse frequency of torpedos and phasers...

    So, it seems like the Borg's sheilds adapt to the subspace pulse frequencies of phasers and torpedos. Phasers are a type particle weapon that Gene Roddenberry made up when he realized lasers didn't work the way he thought they did, and they don't really have much basis in the real world like lasers or plasma weapons do. The problem is that 99% of the weapons in Star Wars are plasma weapons, except for the Death Star cannon, which is a laser.

    Since the Adaptive Shield Matrix specifically works by adapting to subspace frequencies, there's really no reason to think that their shields would have a distinct advantage over lasers or plasma bolts the way they do phasers. Star Fleet seems to agree, as they theorized plasma phasers would be effective weapons against the Borg in Best of Both Worlds. Picard was also able to easily kill several Borg with hard-light bullets in First Contact, further demonstrating their inability to counter non-phaser weapons.

    It also doesn't seem like the Borg have an innate ability to adapt to enemy weapons. Aside from only countering phaser weapons, the rotating-frequency strategy was pretty effective throughout TNG and First Contact. It seems more like that Adaptive Shield Matrix was just a piece of technology they assimilated rather than an intrinsic ability to counter attacks.

    So, if the Borg shields don't nullify the Death Star's weapons like they do Star Trek weapons, and they don't have a special ability to counter enemy attacks, this just comes down firepower. The superlaser should be able to destroy any Borg cube multiple times, and even without the superlaser, they're massively outgunned. This is 3000 meter ship against a 75 mile wide battle station. Even if the 10,000 turbolaser, 2,500 laser cannons, 2,500 ion cannons can't overpower them (and by the way, it sounds like those, "lasers," are actually plasma weapons according to wookiepedia, because of course Star Wars can't be consistent), and the 768 tractor beam projectors can't immobilize the cube, the 7,000 individual tie fighters would probably overwhelm the it. Hell, if the Death Star is faster, they could probably just smash into them and still survive the damage.

    I think the Death Star has this by a mile. I hate to admit it, but I don't see a win condition for the Borg here.