Race/Roll for the Galaxy, Jump Drive, New Frontiers: Where to begin?
What is your opinion on these games?
Race for the Galaxy seems to be the original game, that deserves it‘s praise. But do you still think it‘s good by today‘s standards?
How does it compare to Roll for the Galaxy? Is the latter a more approachable version but lacks depth, like more beginner friendly dice versions of other games?
But that seems to be the case for Jump Drive, right? So far, this one looks like a family friendly approach, while still being awesome enough for more experienced players.
But then there‘s New Frontiers from Lehmann, another space themed game! This one looks a bit like an easy 3.5X game, right? Looking back, do you think all of them are worth buying? If you had to choose only one, which one would it be?
I've played Roll for the Galaxy and New Frontiers. I much prefer Roll. Turns in Roll are taken simultaneously and cuts down on waiting. It's efficient and easy to learn. New Frontiers is clunky. The military strategy especially seems quite overpowered and gameplay becomes repetitive.
@Finnbarr@squidsarefriends you take your turns simultaneously in both games. Also military tends to be overpowered only when you let it be. If someone is going military then they tend to have predictable needs. Are you feeding them explore and settle actions? Or are you letting them provide you with those while you produce and consume without it helping them?