Zooming into the meeting, mostly to hear about Indiana Avenue. First up, though, is a review of the ADA Transition Plan. Comments seem mostly positive, commissioners are worried about several engineering issues rather than planning.
Public Comment: Eric Ost thinks we aren't doing enough due diligence on prioritizing projects. Thinks we spend too much on cycling and not enough on ADA.
Now on to Indiana Avenue! Coordinator mentions there have been several incidents on the corridor, but they haven't put together a proposal yet. They will put something together after tomorrow's public meeting. Three separate meetings over the summer to come up with a plan.
Commisioners are asking for crash data (they will make it public next month).
@bloomington_in (Got pulled away from the computer for a while.) Public comment on Indiana Avenue was mostly positive, one person wanted the project extended all the way to 17th!
Next project is a redo of Countryside and Southern Pines traffic calming. Surveys seem to indicate that residents think cars are still going too fast.
A commissioner asks if anyone was against the project. Coordinator says a few people wanted traffic calming pulled out altogether, but a small minority.
@bloomington_in Vote is 5-0 in support with one abstention, the commissioner felt they didn't have enough information to vote.
Quick discussion of merging the traffic, bike/ped, and parking commissions. Will take public commissioners down from 21 people to five.
That's the end! Public meeting on Indiana Avenue tomorrow at Sample Gates. Not sure whether filling out a survey is sufficient public comment or whether I should be talking in all these meetings as well. Toot you tomorrow!