There are plenty of things for individual things people can do, but the responsibility rests on corporations for this mess. And it can’t be individuals to clean it up.
And before someone starts saying that corporations only driven by individual consumerism, what other choice do we have? They literally make things to break more.
Can you please explain how your comment is a response to mine?
I can admit my faults, and I am actively changing what I do in order to be a better human. You seem to want to blame anyone but yourself so you can remain comfortable and do nothing at all to help.
I refuse to let individuals off the hook when they choose not to put in the effort to be a part of the solution. If you wish to continue this conversation please respond to what I said previously instead of using my comment to soap box your own points.
Yes I do. Can you explain how I was some how unclear? This will be to my benefit in the future because I really do not know how I could have been more explicit.
Corporation literally means "Group of people". Your citation is worthless to your argument because it ignores that fact, which also supports my point. Thank you for that and have a wonderful day.
Sure it would change something but it wouldn't be enough to actually change the outcome. Companies are polluting way more then those over 8 billion people are. But yet everything governments come up with is you have to do this you have to do that. I mean growing up recycling was pushed hard on us. And look at the scam that turned out to be cause companies where just sending it to third world countries or dumping it in the landfills. Not to mention the best one is reduce but that hurts corporate profits.