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What obscure about:config settings would you recommend changing?

We've all turned off trimURLs but what else is hiding in there?


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  • Backspace behavior: 1 something like that. Sets backspace to go to previous page it was once default but it is not anymore

    • Browsers changed this because people kept accidentally hitting it. I'm glad it's gone. My mouse has back/forward buttons on the side and I remapped those to go back and forward in browser history.

      • Yeah i think someone might hit it accidentally i think it is a good decition to have it disabled by default but i still like it a lot and it is great to have a way to set it how i like it

    • Really, its gone? I think I still got the command that disables the back keybind in my user.js file. Now I can remove that line.

    • Note that you can use Ctrl/Cmd + [/] to navigate the tab history.