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Redshirts by John Scalzi - Narrated by: Wil Wheaton Audible UK | Free Audiobook with 30-Day Trial

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Someone recommended the book to me since I am a Star Trek fan, it's definitely a neat perspective. Think "Lower Decks" but more self-aware and meta.

The audio version of the book being read by Wil Wheaton makes it even better.


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  • I had a lot of fun with Redshirts, it doesn't take itself too seriously it's just a good time. I find that a lot of Scalzi's stuff is like that. I think my favorites have been The Kaiju Preservation Society (audio version also narrated by Wil Wheaton), and the Lock-In books (in which the main character is never explicitly gendered, so there are two audio versions of each book: one narrated by Wil Wheaton, and one by Amber Benson).