[image: the lemmy logo, but with elfilin's eyes, cheek blushes, ear notch, and general colouration. still retains the original whiskers, ears (size-wise), and nose.]
here's the more polished version of elfilem that i promised! it was pretty fun to work on, and i'm quite proud of the final result. instead of just roughly eyeballing everything, i leveraged the power of code (i.e. wrote an svg file by hand) and used Precise Numbers™ to dictate the position and size of things.
seems like lemmy doesn't support uploading svg files, so instead i uploaded a png version. not sure if and how i'll share the original svg -- would certainly love to! i commented the code specifically so that others could get a better understanding of what i did to draw each thing.
edit: never mind, just pasted the svg source code into a comment below
list of notable changes from the original elfilem:
eyes are now significantly higher up than they were originally
cheek blushes are now larger, fully visible circles
inner orange part of ears now extends fully downward to more accurately match elfilin's appearance
the same lemmy logo from wikipedia that i used last time -- only, instead of editing the file in an image editor, i simply used it as a reference this time around.
this is the most effort i've put into a drawing in a long time. but i think the result is worth it! :)
edit: the white outline was lost in the background the first time i uploaded this. after some shenanigans on my end, here's a version that includes the white outline as it's supposed to!... unless you're on kbin apparently
edit 2: made the new image properly spaced instead of "cramped" (cropped to have no extra space)
elfilem (more polished version)
created by NumericBiconditional
based on the lemmy logo and elfilin from kirby
main sources:
lemmy logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ea/Lemmy_Logo.svg
elfilin (krtdldx mask): https://wikirby.com/wiki/File:KRtDLD_Elfilin_Mask_artwork.png
i learned how to write svg code specifically for this
don't expect it to be idiomatic svg code
we'll be working with a 1024x1024 canvas, just like the original image i got from wikipedia
to make life slightly easier on me,
i decided to make (0, 0) the center of the canvas and have up be the positive direction
we have (-512, -512) as the bottom left corner and (512, 512) as the top right corner
i tried to make shapes match up with the original image, to some extent.
you can't see it in the final version of the code,
but i was originally making this in a modified version of the original file.
i would overlay the original image on top of my version with 50% opacity
whenever i wanted to compare the two images to check accuracy.
to use a gray background instead of a transparent one, add `style="background-color: #808080;"` to the svg tag
or alternatively just edit the image in your favourite image editing program
<svg version="1.1" width="1024" height="1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<g transform="translate(512 512) scale(1 -1)">
there's this weird double outline thing going on, and i dealt with that by
drawing everything multiple times with outlines of different colours and thickness.
<g id="ears"> <!-- elfilem's ears - the cyan rim is also implemented as an outline -->
notched ear (his right, our left)
i decided to implement this in truly one of the ways of all time.
start with a circle of radius 5 centered at the origin.
from (0, -5) to (-3, 4) and from (3, 4) to (0, -5), use the arc of the circle.
but from (-3, 4) to (3, 4), flip the arc of the circle upside down to create the ear notch.
and then scale, translate, and rotate the circle into an ear.
oh yeah and i intentionally chose a circle of radius 5
so that i could work with 3-4-5 right triangles and avoid headaches with the coordinate system
<path d="
M 0 -5
A 5 5 0 0 0 -3 4
A 5 5 0 0 1 3 4
A 5 5 0 0 0 0 -5
" fill="#ffc080" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"
transform="rotate(60 -320 136) translate(-320 136) scale(17.6 21.6)"/>
normal ear (his left, our right)
similar to the notched ear case
but we can simply use the circle of radius 5 without doing any flippy business
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="5" fill="#ffc080" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"
transform="rotate(-60 320 136) translate(320 136) scale(17.6 21.6)"/>
<g id="main"> <!-- the rest of elfilem -->
modelled as two semicircles, the top one slightly more "flat" than the bottom one
to approximate the shape of the original lemmy head
<path d="
M -288 0
A 288 216 0 0 0 288 0
M -288 0
A 288 280 0 0 1 288 0
" fill="#80ffff"/>
moved way up from the original image, and also stretched out into ovals.
i think it still preserves the "lemminess" of the original image, though
tried experimenting with a gradient effect for the white part, but ultimately that didn't work out
<!-- eyes - outer blue part -->
<ellipse cx="-112" cy="0" rx="32" ry="64" fill="#4080ff" stroke="#0040c0" stroke-width="16"/>
<ellipse cx="112" cy="0" rx="32" ry="64" fill="#4080ff" stroke="#0040c0" stroke-width="16"/>
<!-- eyes - inner white part -->
<ellipse cx="-112" cy="24" rx="16" ry="32" fill="#ffffff" stroke="transparent"/>
<ellipse cx="112" cy="24" rx="16" ry="32" fill="#ffffff" stroke="transparent"/>
<!-- cheek blushes ~~(the most important part of a chimchila)~~ -->
<circle cx="-176" cy="-128" r="32" fill="#ffc0c0" stroke="transparent"/>
<circle cx="176" cy="-128" r="32" fill="#ffc0c0" stroke="transparent"/>
<!-- nose -->
<ellipse cx="0" cy="-248" rx="72" ry="72" fill="#ff8040"/>
<!-- whiskers -->
<g stroke-linecap="round">
<line x1="-240" y1="-160" x2="-336" y2="-200"/>
<line x1="-176" y1="-232" x2="-224" y2="-304"/>
<line x1="176" y1="-232" x2="224" y2="-304"/>
<line x1="240" y1="-160" x2="336" y2="-200"/>
putting it all together
there's a specific order to do everything in
it's a bit of a weird order because of what needs to be in front and what needs to be behind other stuff
<use href="#ears" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="105"/> <!-- ears with white outline -->
<use href="#main" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="56"/> <!-- everything else with white outline -->
<use href="#ears" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="77"/> <!-- ears with black outline -->
<use href="#ears" stroke="#80ffff" stroke-width="21"/> <!-- ear rims (cyan outline) -->
<use href="#main" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="28"/> <!-- everything else with black outline -->