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  • I'm three days into my diet and feeling optimistic about following through this time

    • Hell yeah! Stick with it, it gets easier as it becomes more routine. And don't get disheartened if you slip, just keep on truckin.

      One of the things that helped me in the past was telling myself that the junk foods will still be there when I reach my goals. I don't need to eat them now just because they are there.

      • Ty for the encouragement! I do feel like in the past, I've allowed my slip ups to totally derail my diet. This time I'm trying the relax the reigns on myself. What I've learned over time is if I'm too much of a perfectionist, I'll most certainly fail. What's the saying? Don't let the pursuit of perfection ruin progress?

        • Yeah absolutely. I think it's just human nature to focus so wholly on the goal, that we disregard the journey. Diets can be extremely challenging because you can't just quit cold turkey. It's a journey of learning new eating habits and shopping habits, learning to cook better, understanding ingredients and how nutrition effects your body.

          I'm really good about exercising and working out. Starting to get kinda jacked again even. But my diet has just never been there. I eat more junk food than I should, but I also eat a lot of healthy stuff. Not a picky eater at all. I just really like cheetos lol.

          I did have a six pack at one point, I was quite happy with my body. But it just wasn't sustainable because I like cheeseburgers too much. I had to find the balance of looking how I want, having a positive opinion of my self, and enjoying the food that I like without over eating, but not cutting out those easy serotonin booster snacks. I envy those that can do it without having to put that much thought into it.

          I'm 6"2' and about 220 now, slowly working my gut down and pretty happy with myself overall, but I did consume a lot of doritos about an hour ago. Oh well, I'll go the gym tomorrow morning and try to stay on track after.

          Good luck on your journey!