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Mike Johnson Suddenly Seems Ready to Stick a Shiv in MAGA Mike Johnson Suddenly Seems Ready to Stick a Shiv in MAGA

The House speaker is open to a stand-alone vote on Ukraine aid. Marjorie Taylor Greene isn’t going to like that one bit.

Mike Johnson Suddenly Seems Ready to Stick a Shiv in MAGA

The House speaker is open to a stand-alone vote on Ukraine aid. Marjorie Taylor Greene isn’t going to like that one bit.

Poor Mike Johnson is in quite a bind. The House speaker simply doesn’t have a governing majority: It is borderline impossible to pass anything with only Republican votes, because the hard-right MAGA bloc wants to thwart governing at all costs. So he needs Democrats to pass anything that wouldn’t be uniformly awful for the country. Yet if he does rely on Democrats, that MAGA faction is prepared to depose him.

That’s why Johnson’s new indication that he’s considering holding a vote on a Ukraine aid package—one that would be separate from an Israel aid bill—is so intriguing and suggestive.

“I think it is a stand-alone, and I suspect it will need to be on suspension,” Johnson told Politico, meaning that a bill funding Ukraine aid would have to move via a fast-track procedure that prevents insurgents from bottling up bills in committees.


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