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JavaScript help! Reaching out for some collective wisdom... what's the current modern stack in JS? For years I've used: React, Node, Webpack. But now, evidently, I need: next, deno, vite ? I have read multiple articles saying that I'm absolutely required to use "vite" because webpack is too complicated for any human being. The official react website insists I should be using Next. Is this true?


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  • A lot of guides confusing nowadays.

    But overall if you are looking for SPA - React can be bundled with Vite, that's what we have at my current company. Vite is good and straightforward, it is built for the purpose and does majority of the things out of the box in comparison to the Webpack.

    If you need SSR, you can use Next, though I would prefer Remix, IMO they did better job to API surface than Next.

    But I would not bother, unless you need search engine optimization. For majority of web apps that do not need it - benefits of SSR are negligible.