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Joe Biden got the job done. Joe Biden got the job done.

In the State of the Union speech, he took it to Trump and showed he can fight.


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  • More pro Biden than I would like of mother jones but a good read. I will have to watch the actual State of Union today. Tell me what you think about his address? Personally I like the Dark Brandon caricature lol

    • I was about to shut it off because it was just "orange man bad", but then he started listing policy.

      He hit every issue, from housing and taxing companies/billionaires to car centric infrastructure. More importantly, for most things he was able to name something he did already, making his platform a lot more credible

      The policies were also liberal instead of neoliberal... It's a definite move left, and that makes a Biden vote go down a lot smoother. I didn't vote for him last time because the DNC was ignoring the people - they were the ones flirting with facism, not the people who didn't "vote blue no matter who"

      The border was a particularly well threaded needle - he's been selling it to the right, so I thought he was planning on closing the border or otherwise caving to the right. He sold it as "this will stop criminals", but what he actually said was "we're going to expand the immigration courts, so they get to trial in 6 weeks instead of 6 months/years".

      A lot of it was far too little, like healthcare... It's improvements, but he definitely signaled he won't be fixing the system

      Gaza was the one issue he totally failed... Using the Navy to transport aid isn't much, and he said "we're ready for a 6 week truce the second Hamas agrees"... Mofo, of course Hamas won't agree, their MO is "make Israel kill civilians so the world turns on them". And they've been propped up because they're hardliners... He called for a 2 state solution, but nothing he said does anything to change the situation, he might as well not mentioned it

      Overall, it was enough to move me from "I might vote, it's hard to stomach" to "I'll probably vote". If he backs up his words with more actions, I might even do something to campaign

      For reference, I was mocking him hours before, both on lemmy and with my friend - I said he had to do something big and make some enemies if he wants the lefts support... He's made some enemies, and he's apparently done a lot of smaller things