This isn't the reason piracy is coming back in my friend group. That reason would be the diversification of streaming sources. There's no way I'm paying $100 a month for streaming from all the major players, especially if they include ads.
When Netflix was all you needed, streaming was great and reasonable. It quickly became more trouble than it was worth over the last decade.
As a consequence it's also often far easier to pirate something than to find it legally -- and even when you do find it, there's still the DRM woes and having to play by the arbitrary rules of the service. Most of these streaming outlets have forgotten that their entire business model is actually based on being more convenient than piracy, which isn't really the case anymore since it's all fragmented to hell.
I've never had an easier time watching movies and shows then when I finally setup sonarr and radarr. Only bad thing about it is waiting for downloads, but it always finds the thing I want.
I've always said, a single streaming service that had everything, from every single studio, for $50/month, I would never need to pirate again. Until this happens, I will continue to pirate.
Cable was always missing a great deal of programs. That alone kills it. You won't see 20 for the entire catalog ever. I don't think 50 to a 100 a month is it is the question for all content and is reasonable.
I could afford a hundred a month but having to deal with multiple platforms is a no go for me. Then even when something is available, it might not be available in a certain region just makes the whole system crappy.
When you can do it on one UI and pretty much have the entire catalog available without complexity....